Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Next Event: Out of the Blocks

Our inaugural monthly reading is taking place this Wednesday, the 16th of November, featuring Robyn Annear and Adam Ford, as well as an open section (2min maximum).

The gig starts at 8pm sharp.

Entry is by gold coin donation, and there will be a raffle drawn for the prize of a book basket generously donated by the Small Press Underground Networking Community (SPUNC) including titles from Sleepers, University of Western Australia Press, Text Publishing and  Transit Lounge.

The event is BYO, and we can provide glasses.

On the night we'll have more information about what Castlemaine Word Mine will be up to in 2012 and if you want to sign up as a member we'll have membership forms there too.

It's on at the Anglican Church Hall on the corner of Kennedy and Forest Streets, (click for a Googly map), near the train station. You can enter from the side street access at the corner of Kennedy and Forest - there's plenty of parking behind the Hall.

So come for the poetry, sign up to perform some of your own writing, and stick around afterwards for a quiet shandy or two and a natter with fellow word miners about what's in store for Castlemaine Word Mine.

See you there!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A few notices

Just a few notices for all members and other interested writers and readers:

1. We are now incorporated! Many thanks to our secretary Cath James for preparing all the paper work.

2. Our membership is growing and we'll let you know very soon how to join if you'd
like to become a member.

3. The Castlemaine Library is running an E-book expo this coming Saturday 15th October 2-4pm.

4. Look out for the article in next week's Express about the Poetry Slam 26th Oct at the Maurocco Bar.

5. A notice about a workshop with Carmel Bird

Short Story Workshop with Carmel Bird

The Macedon Ranges Writers Group is running a five-hour workshop for members and community members on November 26th 2011 at the Woodend Community Centre starting at 11:00am. The Victorian Writers Centre and the Woodend Rotary Club are sponsoring the event.

The workshop, writing for young people and adults is being conducted by Carmel Bird who is primarily a writer of fiction, covering both adult and children's writing. Her first collection of short stories was published in 1983, and since then she has published another four collections of short stories, and also novels, essays, anthologies, and books on how to write. She is a leading author of short stories and has published ten novels, three of which have been short listed for the Miles Franklin Award. Her most recent novel is CHILD OF THE TWILIGHT. She is a celebrated teacher of both fiction and memoir-writing, and has published the non-fiction guide WRITING THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE. Carmel is also an experienced editor of many journals and anthologies, including THE STOLEN CHILDREN - THEIR STORIES. Her website is www.carmelbird.com

To book your tickets please go to http://www.trybooking.com/XNS but spaces are limited. To purchase a ticket go into the shopping cart section on the website, just click on full price and select a ticket. The total cost is $40.30. You will not be able to pay on the day.

For further information about the Workshop please call Miranda 0431 114 539 or Christine on 5429 5452 or 0407 012 140. If you would like to hear more about the Writer’s Group call Christine or email Sue Yardley sjyardley@bigpond.com.

Where: Woodend Community Centre
When: Saturday, 26 November, 2011
Time: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Bring: Writing materials; lunch; your ticket
Cost: $40 plus 30¢ booking fee
Booking: http://www.trybooking.com/XNS
Inquiries: 5429 5452 or 0431 114 539

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Winning poems

Here are the winning poems from our inaugural poetry competition. The first prize winner used all the words supplied by the audience at our launch.

Think, Swallow, Catapult – Diving into the imperial Castlemaine Word Mine

Arriving late for the event, frittering,
yet balanced on the periphery
of the ovate crepuscular rays
shimmering effervescent and erotic
beyond the church steeple,
the pernickety, curmudgeon of a traveler,
feeling as old as a digger, a grandfather
- frenetic, savage, merging with a clatter
and little grace with the crowd - expected what?
Conspiricism, procrastination,
poppycock, generosity?
A sottisier, madrigal or melisma?
To scrabble, scamper and delve
into the greatness of the goulash
garden of obscenity?
Or memorise the multiplicity
of an omphalopsychotic caricature,
the prestidigitation
of original word mining?
Watching, astounded,
at the evocation, a veritable samsara,
of sesquipedalian virtuosity,
our traveler was fired up
to quench her thirst
for the fun, mystery and honesty
of the palimpsest
at the launch of our very own Word Mine.

Evelyn Jackson


It was as though everything
On the periphery
Of what I call my life
Seemed nothing more than frittering
Nothing more than filling in time.

Nothing more than procrastination.

Then I saw a point,
Beyond the everyday
And, astounded
I dared to believe
That what was in front of me
Was real,
Is real.

It is not greatness I seek,
Merely a garden
Where love, grace and generosity
Merge with each other
Changing the world around us
Giving us cause
To understand each other
Trust one another,
And cease to be the traveller
Searching for something
That was there all the time.

Christine King